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Showing posts from January, 2021

Colder and photos not much mojo

Not many today We set out on a freezing cold last day of January 2021 and it was a bitter cold wind blasting from the east I think. Indi was ready to go and wanted to “do a job” so carried her flappy toy that she loves. A sad day today I am selling my beautiful boat Ruby Ann so if anyone in the UK is interested get in touch  Are you ready yet dad? Icy footprint A close up on a torn tree root Favourite flappy toy Tiny new growth 

Raining down cold as ice

It really was raining down as cold as ice Barry Manilow said “raining down as cold as ice” and today it really was a horrible day to be put on a walk. A few photos of our journey today as it seemed to cold to be out even with double jackets on! I found a few glimmers of colour amongst the gloom so the walk was worth it  

Simple days with the V

Started with an Indi inside portrait  Indi portrait indoors at ISO 1600 the V really is great at high ISO work So a few shots below not many today. One photo shows the begin of the bluebells new growth in the woodland floor - always a positive sign that in reality spring isn’t far away now.

Mud glorious mud

Mud glorious mud today Indi enjoyed it We had another longer walk today and the mud was treacherous and slippery, we walked across the field into another field over a style this leads to the main road in Naphill. We cross this into another dark path and this takes us to an area called Naphill Common another glorious countryside place which is a beautiful location too. I hope you enjoy the images today The V resting after a busy morning 😃

Back to featureless skies

Today was a return to featureless sky with old snow hanging around  Indi and I did our very usual walk today and the ground was still frozen in places and the ice and snow made great noises underfoot. I took a nice image of Indi the snow still reflects light back into the shadows nicely. I still had the WCL wide angle conversion lens on today’s walk, sometimes it’s nice to get a different view. A Robin kept up with us along the edge of the field singing it’s heart out - very beautiful but of course the V can’t capture a scene like that. I am thinking of getting another camera just to shoot birds images  I also see the regular Common Buzzard every day from a distance and this too would make a wonderful shot I think. Hope you enjoy the photography 

The Naphill snowfield

So much snow still left - beautiful sky The snow was still around this morning and the snow was frozen and as we walked the ground was crunching loudly under our feet. The sky was so bright and this reflects off the ground to highlight the trees outline and your exposure needs to be adjusted to get it right. I used the Fuji X100V with the wide angle adaptor WCL X100 this is the MK1 version, I did the magnet hack to make this camera think it’s the wide or tele and changes the camera automatically. The wide angle adaptor is very sharp and really it doesn’t detract from the original lens quality.