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A slow walk then grandchild visit!

Luckily we are in a care bubble with our granddaughter....  She is a little whirlwind when she is with us typically a three year olds attention span! The V was of course used 

Back to a very slow walk

Very slow due to fatigue... Obviously a hard day for me yesterday and today I am paying for it. I suffer fatigue quite badly after a day like yesterday, my legs only just carried me around the woods they felt like lead! So not many today

Different photos today

We were clearing up at my wife’s mother and father’s house..... We spent most of today clearing the garden and driveway of all the old equipment we had accumulated during my wife’s mother’s decline in health. There was wood from an old shed of my late father in laws that needed to be put into the skip and various items too large for the car. The photos inside show my eldest son and his Boxer puppy Pepe I do love the Acros BW the V gives coupled with the sharpness of the MK2 F2 lens it’s a killer combination.

More work with the V wonder!

This blog isn’t getting much traction...... I still enjoy posting my photography on blogger as it gives me an outlet to put them out there. As it’s free and not a bad platform I don’t mind using it. As I become more used to the loss of my dearest sister I may start some talking to camera work again - perhaps the long discussed Fuji X100V off camera flash video? Anyway more snaps for everyone or anyone to view!

More V work with the WCL

The V was sporting its wide angle conversion lens..... Out we go again on our daily stroll of two miles around our local walk. I used the V with the WCL again today, I have been looking into the diminutive Fuji XF10 - it doesn’t get a lot of love out there and can be had for a reasonable eBay price. I have seen one on there for only £246 and it’s a very nice little accompaniment to the V.

A self miserable portrait!

A selfie by the V A longer walk today and a different circuit for a change, I tried a self portrait with the Fujifilm App that allows remote control of the camera. Obviously I am not looking happy as lockdown and horrible nerve pain don't always make for a happy chap always. I try and remain positive but sometimes it’s just not possible. Anyway enough self wallowing in pity - I hope you enjoy my shots

Another day .......

Another walk different images... The V worked well today and I know that the purists amongst the X100 community will be appalled- but I love the flip down screen on the V it’s reminiscent of my X70 I owned  So today’s photos try to convey spring again I do hope you like them, I spotted an old nest that looked such a work of nature’s beauty