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You have to love bluebells...

Blubell love..... I used the V today and the small flash i own that allows it to be used off camera. This was the page that mentions the use of the flash  Fuji x100V OCF Why use flash at all you mat]y ask? Well i used the little unit from above to add a little fill light within the scene, it gives the flowers a little more "pop" and lifts them within the scene.  I know its a flower we all know and love i will attempt to prduce more shots showing them - i do hope you enjoy them all Mark

Close up with the V

Its the V's turn I decided to give the V a run out as I fancied a viewfinder for a change. As I have mentioned before the V does close up quite well not technically macro but pretty close. Obviously the finished image is wonderful of course  Have a look and I hope you enjoy

Bluebells are out!

After returning from Norfolk the bluebells are out Today we have simple blog post showing the beauty of spring moving forwards here in the UK. I always love seeing the start of the bluebells flowering in the local wodland, they must be a very ancient variety as the woods are quite remote. The type is the British standard Hyacinthoides non- scripta the  Spanish variant is more common in some locations.

Back from Norfolk today

So we had a really lovely break up in Norfolk  Back to reality now and heres Indi All worn out..... Taken on the XF10 just a while ago. She loved the seaside and adored the beach We bought her a new toy to carry sadly it lasted three days in her still powerful jaws crunching it constantly! Whilst walking along the beach we saw this crab, it seemed to be staring back at us. These really are beautiful in the sun the XF10 did a good job

Not a local shoot

Norfolk for a few days The 10F does a few shots with its best partner the X100V

A few quick close ups

XF10 close ups today As its not actually a macro lens the camera does well on close focus, i dont know the actual distance but it gives a good rendition of an image. As its such a lightweight camera its easy to hold close amongst the flowers and other objects, the photo of Indi at home was taken at ISO 1000 and it captured alot of detail. The lens is very sharp and editing on here looks a great detailed shot. I have attached a photo of the edits going on whilst on this tablet.

Such a contrast to yesterday

A contrast today almost spring like sunshine It was great to go out and listen to the sounds of the woodland again today, the birds are in full song and it’s a pure mindfulness delight. It’s surprising how calming the woods are at different times, the starkness of winter, springs development of colour and sounds. Then I look forward to the end of April when May gives the feeling of summer’s appearance. I am sure with all that has happened to us personally the woods give peacefulness and solace when you are there in a solitary moment. Anyway on to the photography