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A quick walk today

A 10Fsample today..... The photos today show an old a reluctant Indi waiting not sure what's going on? The bluebells still have colour but are starting to fade, I took a photo of a leaf lying on a root of a tree, it looked lost.  

Some colours and clouds

XF10 does cloud and colour I took out the little pocket powerhouse that is the XF10, i shot in RAW for a change and the file sizes were quite large from such a small camera. I liked the dark foreboding clouds against the fresh green foilage - see what you think

Just a tree in RAW today

A simple tree  Today's shot is my favourite tree that has featured here a few times. Today's shot was with the XF10 and was saved as a RAW file, this camera gives a huge file of 43.5 mb so plenty to work on. This may make a nice looking large print!

As discussed a pre wedding shoot

I dusted off the old Godox flash... I have been asked by my son to cover a wedding to a couple who are his best friends. I have agreed to offer my services this coming August and on Saturday i did the pre shoot at the venue. They were such a nice couple a pleasure to take photographs of   The V was used and the TCL was employed to give a little seperation, off camera flash was provided by my aging Godox 850 and its 2.4ghz transmitter. This gives power adjustment from the camera. I had the flash on my collapsible light stand and the light was softened by a Rogue Flashbender a strangely named light modifier! The best off camera technique you shouldnt be able to see the results of the flash. This video explains all about it, the last shot i left the set up visible to show its light fall off

Off camera flash technique

A tutorial on OCF(off camera flash) So today as its raining i thought it would be a good idea to offer those with any X100 series of camera a tutorial on the cameras ability with this technique. Firstly we need to consider why to bother with OCF at all? Why not use the built in flash? Why not put a small flash directly onto the camera hot shoe? The answer is simple really : The light that comes straight in line from the camera gives the least flattering light and direct flash is harsh in its output. So how do i go off camera?:  The method to get the flash off camera and at another location is again very simple, you need a flash gun and a trigger. When starting out its tempting to go with a flash that is TTL Sync. TTL or through the lens is a technique where the camera communicates with the flash to give enough power to light the scene right at the point of exposure. This sounds great doesnt it? The problem with TTL is that it uses more power than manual exposure as it tries to light th

X100V a few more shots

The V came out for some shots  A couple of days ago the v came out for some more work. A few close ups and simple shots from it. The lovely shot of Indi was lit by the morning sunshine on that day. All shots straight out of camera.

XF10 Today

The V needs to be rested for a shoot this weekend.....   The V  is going to be used at a shoot this coming Saturday that is a wedding pre shoot i am doing for my sons friends wedding this coming August. I plan to use the V and the two lens adaptors i have to do some portaits at the location, i will be doing some off camera flash in some of the shots too. I will put some on this blog once the client sees them and agrees. The XF10 came out to do some landscape shots and of course some bluebells! At the end i got a great capture of an unusal visitor to a bird table i passed by