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Showing posts from March, 2021

A quick walk with the Fuji XF10

We were up very early due to a loss in the family Not many photos today another loss in our troubled family

Fuji XF10 Review

                   My Fuji X10F Review  I began my search to find a suitable real pocket-sized every day carry.  I have owned a Ricoh  GRiii and whilst the image quality was excellent, I missed the Fuji colours the stabilisation was good it was a very capable camera at allowing very low shutter speeds.  I also had a Sony Rx100 MK6 and again a great image machine with a good zoom but the menu's Sony when will you ever learn? They actually made the image taking process difficult and frustrating! Obviously you already know my love for the V and its stellar IQ and it is simply amazing so why would I want another camera? I had also owned the venerable Fuji X70 what a great camera this was and really superb IQ out of that older sensor.  "Only" 16mb but very capable.  They now demand high prices of £450 and more and I couldn't justify that either, although I get why mint examples fetch a high price. I began by examining my V and when I didn't take it out. It is a very be

Sunny spring day

Spring seems to be in full bloom in some areas So our walk across the field (Indi watched it for a while) was in bright and sunny conditions and perfect for photography can anybody guess if it is the V or the XF10?

More from the XF10

An absolutely amazing bargain...  I only paid a small amount for this Bayer sensor 24mp Fuji XF10. It’s a very powerful pocket sized camera I can take everywhere literally! It is a different sensor to the V and these photos were shot in the raw format to see what I could get from it. The shot of the leaf on the birch tree trying to unfurl for a new season inspired me as it’s overcome winter and is heralding a new season - Spring.

Fuji XF10 today....

I really enjoyed shooting with it  It’s a powerful little simple camera focus wise is contrast detection so you have to look at the scene although face detection worked well. It was our granddaughters 3 rd birthday so we did a doorstep visit as we are in a care bubble with them.

New camera has arrived!

Fuji XF10 is in use in a few Indi photos It’s a very sharp lens on the camera and of course the lovely Fuji colours....

Amazing difference from yesterday

Blue sky all the way...

Fuji XF10 paid for!

Ok a new (well newish) to the stable  I have purchased another camera a Fuji XF10 it’s another fixed lens but tiny and 28mm field of view, it should be a carry everywhere type so it will give a more varied look? I am hoping the camera will be with me all the time so other photos can be produced. I chose this little camera as it gets poor reviews and mostly unjustified. It has been updated to its latest firmware which does improve the focus speed and accuracy. This is a photo from a review on line I have left the credits on the screen Admiring Light

Black and white landscape...?

It’s amazing how as photographers we wait for the right light.... So I stood in the field waiting for the clouds to reveal the suns rays to light the tree to raise its contrast levels. Once the light hit it lit the clouds beautifully and the scene was set so with the V was used to record it, the settings were S1000 F5.6 ISO 80. I think it may be print worthy! The rest of today’s images are more typical of our walk.