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Showing posts from May, 2022

More bird photography and other work

We have feeders like many have in our garden, we have a family of Blue Tits in the local area that are feeding their young. The parents have been so busy back and forth they dont seem to have time to look after their appearance. Also a juvenile Robin landed on my garden fence so i grabbed a shot! The bee was taken with the G9 and 100-400 Leica panasonic lens. The dendelion (Taraxacum) was taken on the beautiful Finepix X100 The daisy and sky shot was with the Google Pixel 6!

The Finepix X100 goes forth

Today's camera of choice is the venerable and quite wonderful Finepix X100 original. As discussed in earlier blog posts I have gravitated back to this little wonder recently, today it came out with Indi on our stroll and here are some images from it. The last shot is from my Google Pixel 6 and actually edited that image to tone it down a bit

Olympus 9mm Body Cap Lens

I picked up a used verion of this ultra cheap ultra wide lens on Ebay. Only £70 delivered already i can see some creative uses for it. Its a fixed appature lens at f8 so not much use for low light and its all manual focus, it uses a small lever on the front to focus. So far i have had a play with it and the Pansonic G9 its mounted on works well with it. It offers an exellent focus peaking system that shows blue highlights when in focus, obviously at f8 most of the scene is! The photograph of Indi below shows how good the lens is and its extreme wide angle of view, she looks a bit fed up too 

Indi the very old GSD

This is Indi taken a while ago dozing with her new toy, a lobster. She is nearly 12 so in GSD terms very old now, she suffers from DM a degenerative disease of her spinal cord. She isnt walking well and i recently bought her some boots to protect her feet whilst she drags each step.  Sadly she was urine incontinent earlier this week another sign of her rapid decline, obviously when her quality of life is not really making her happy as an owner i will make that terribly sad decision.

Classic Avocet Norfolk

I decided to pay my entrance fee at the RSPB reserve near me whilst on holiday in Norfolk. The Titchwell reserve is a well organised and appointed RSPB bird reserve. I spent a good hour or so at the centre and really enjoyed the experience. Below is an Avocet and I was so happy to get this shot.

Photography in Norfolk

Whilst in Norfolk fof a family holiday i decided to use the Panasonic G9 for some wildlife photography and of course some birds. Here are the results very happy with them. I used a combination of the 100-400 and the 14mm, the Hare was happy sitting in the field and didnt move. The birds were at Thornham that has a history of real smuggling in the narrow tidal creeks long ago.