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Out and about in nature today

I decided as the weather was reasonable I would take some time in my local neighborhood to take some photos  I used the EM1-X and my 75-300 Olympus lens a cheaper but not too bad lens for this, it focuses quite well and being f6.7 at the long end slower shutter speeds happen a bit! Below are my selections from today I hope you like them

A new film camera from Pentax

 So Pentax have designed and built a new film camera the first in 20 years! I was very interested as I remember film so much find memories......I watched this video Pentax 17 And it really got me thinking about film all over again, the photos so vintage in today's world and the grain on a print when we didn't care about grain. Then it hit me STOP it's just GAS (gear acquisition syndrome) I already have a camera just like that It gives the nearest feel to analogue photography, great BW a bit of grain and slow process perhaps more mindful than most cameras today. Below is my grandson having a bath at my house I used my little X100 for this shot very filmic in look and exposure GAS averted!

My bird and wildlife camera

I have kept with Olympus and now have an E-M1X an absolute beast in the M4:3 world. It came out in 2019 and was sold for a number of years, it been superceded by the OM1 Mkii but I still believe this is the king of the genre. Of course it's very large in this sensor world but very small compared to the likes of Canon or Nikon with a battery grip built in. I shoot macro and wildlife and of course my family. This camera performed so well in all these types of photography, below are firstly my latest examples of bird photography at which the cameras built in AI tracked the heron.

Out with the Fujifilm Finepix X100

  Today I decided to venture out with my beautiful Finepix X100 The shots today were taken to show the autumnal change in the season here in the UK, the original sensor does well with these colours. Of course even with my many years with this camera it still does the usual X100 focus problems - I switched it into "macro mode" and at f4 this helps stop the errors when the background was busy. It was lovely to walk about with this so simple little classic

Some Macro OMD EM1iii

Below are some of my recent macro photographs taken on my main Olympus camera system, the lens used was the Olympus 60mm f2.8 A Cygnatech diffuser took the edge off the light but helps with exposure to be more dynamic as though the insect looks studio lit. The last image is an arty effect on a feather on our decking outside Images below for your appreciation   

Some more work with the Panasonic GX80

Its only 16mp? You shoot on a micro 4:3 sensor? But what about the noise? You cant get bokeh with such a small sensor Are the images printable? These are many of the standard comments and questions people put in forums and online, these days its a belief that only full frame gives all answers to the above......Well no its simply not true! I have earnt money from these "small" sensors! I have large aluminium prints of family on my wall and they look fantastic so I am of the camp that these sensors are brilliant for photographers - of course noise levels are less with a full frame camera and viewers perception of bokeh varies with different people. Below are some portraits taken with my GX80 There are many reviews of this camera on YouTube and look up Gary W he's a real advocate of this remarkable little camera PS it came out in 2016!

A new post with a 'new' camera

  Sadly I have been neglecting the blog and I don't really have any excuses except, many episodes of ill health and safe arrival of our new granddaughter Olivia! We are so blessed. I decided to buy an additional micro 4 thirds camera so I got a mint condition Panasonic GX80 and Olympus 17 mm f1.8 this is a beautiful lens too. With the camera came the Panasonic 12 - 32 f3.5 f5.6 kit lens, this is an amazing sharp little cheap lens plastic mount but so useful. The photos I have added below show the kit and some results from it, 16mp is plenty enough I was guilty as everyone else thinking that more pixels give better images. It's the same with Olympus and my move to that system I am happy with it's images and colour science and that's someone who has shot with Fujifilm!