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Showing posts from March, 2022

Beautiful blue sky birds

Today's photography with the G9 captured some wonderful birds in their natural habitat. I am planning to go to a location soon where red kites frequently visit, I aim to nail a photograph of one in flight. Tricky to get! I hope you like today's work.

Local bird photography

Out yesterday doing what I love most. Watching birds and attempted photography of them. I used a feature called 6K photo on the Lumix G9 and this develops a small 6K video that you select your best photos from. A really well thought out idea! The images are jpeg of around 18mp size the results below speak for themselves

The Lumix DMC G9 does action!

The Lumix G9 has a feature called 6K photo, it shoots a small burst of 30 frames a second into a mini video. On the camera you view this to select the ones that you would like to export. It also has a wonderful feature called " pre burst mode" the camera actually records pre one second burst  before you have even pressed the shutter! The shot of Indi used this feature.  

The little workhorse from 2013

The original X100 I used this little masterpiece during wedding photography and portait images during 2013 and before at many events . It wasnt of course perfect and took a while to learn its usage in a pressurised environment. It never let me down and produced images that punched well above its weight. Below are some images from a simple portait and a wedding i used it at. Simply amazing how the images turned out i was professionally shooting with a Canon 5D and this almost matched and sometimes surpassed it!

The remarkable X100

The Fujifilm Finepix X100 This was the camera that started everything for Fujifilm and turned it into the company it has become today. This was a seminal camera and it absolutely changed everything, there wasn't anything like it in the market and the reviewers were highly complimentary. They made statements like " amazing" " more Leica than a Leica" "A real game changer" It won awards for its design and image quality. It was an amazing time for Fujifilm and I strongly believe that this camera designed and manufactured in Japan was some of their finest pieces of photographic equipment. It's 12mp sensor was talked about so much as it was the first camera to not have a anti alaising filter over the sensor. The original Bayer sensor seems to have the original feeling of what the Fujifilm designers envisaged. I find now 12mp to be plenty for large prints and beautiful colours. Many reviews of the camera complained of the slow focus speed and

Fujilm Finepix X100 at home today

Photography aaaah the simplicity of it, grab a camera a real camera and take a photograph. The real tangeable experience of the Fujifilm Finepix X100 gives, I shot in aperture priority and used the exposure compensation dial to adjust. I have been shooting RAW from this little camera for a few weeks and once again I now shoot the JPEGs and try to get the exposure right in camera. This seems to give lovely exposures and great 12mp files  See what you think 

Various images from today

Photography is such a wonderful medium to express oneself and I use this for my mindfulness. It takes you away into a place of technical adjustment and vision, each photograph is unique just as light is unique each time. You have to work in the moment you see things and capture what you intended. As I suffer pain every day with this neurological disorder I have - photography helps, it gives me exercise to get going and a fantastic hobby. I hope you enjoy my photos